Your city

This is where the pulse of the city beats. In unison.

International. Lively and always different at every corner. Dit is Berlin. Independent and yet connected, the 12 districts form a unique picture of a unique capital. Where art and cultures come together, an airport becomes a never-ending story and people carry their hearts on their tongues. 

In the middle of it: The Emerald Isle. Charlottenburg. Here you can feel the pulse of the capital a little more calmly. City location without big city stress. Being right on your doorstep in the green countryside and the Spree meandering through like a vein. Lively and unstoppable, it could well be the symbol of life at Charlottenbogen. This is where you will find your new home – this is where you start living. 

Here you can find the Charlottenbogen: Heisenbergstraße 3, 5, 7, 9 and Schlesingerstraße 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 in 10587 Berlin

Your neighborhood 

More than one district. Part of your life.

Idyllic and alive. In the middle of it all and in nature. Modern and historical. Situated west of the Mitte-Buzz directly on the banks of the Spree, a district manages to unite the greatest contrasts. Charlottenburg. Here life is not only on the river but also in the river.

And so the district is constantly developing: The Zoological Garden is nearby, only a few minutes drive to the Ku’damm and for shopping in trendy Bikini Berlin and right there in the opposite direction – The Charlottenburger Schloss. If you want to feel the pulse of Berlin, but also want to relax, here is your island. Your home for life.  

Leben am Fluss. Deine Wohnung liegt direkt an der Spree.
Um die Ecke: Schloss Charlottenburg

Time travel

A life by the river that made history.

Planned with a view to the future, Charlottenbogen can look back on a real piece of Berlin aristocratic history. Now you can continue writing it. 

A busy princess

More than 300 years ago at the western foot of the Spreebogen: The small village Lietzow, a quarter of an hour's walk from our property ...

Gondolas gently sway

Above Charlottenbogen lies Moabit. In the past there were traditional taverns, pubs and coffee houses. Expelled by the "Sun King"...

Hard work

Your property was allowed to rest for a long time. Until well into the 20th century, at most carrots, potatoes, cabbage & co. were grown on it ...

In Charlottenburg you are surrounded by highlights.

Everything there. Right outside your door.

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In the neighborhood

You’re in for a treat.

You want more history?

When you move into your new domicile, you will gradually conquer the Spree Peninsula yourself - stroll, stroll, just look around …

An evening jogging session

You walk from your apartment directly to the Spree and then follow it to the left. Of course you can also walk around to the right. But from the Gotzkowsky Bridge …

Your new neighbors

This is where we live together.

Arno Nickel

Two forward and one sideways.

Whoever comes to Arno Nickel plays chess. Or would like to learn. Or has discovered the store in passing and thinks to himself “Ah! A whole store just for …”.

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The master of flowers

Many people can sell flowers. Flower design, as Karsten Flöter makes it – for this you need an eye and passion. A visit to the Flower Factory, where beauty is created for the moment.

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Flower Factory

Reiner Probst, Managing Director

From the neighborhood to the world – by bike

About South African bicycle tours, about the love of bicycles and the annoying problem of bicycle theft. The bicycle store “Velophil” is anchored in the neighborhood, but has long been known throughout Berlin. A visit to perhaps the most select bike store in the neighborhood.

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The stain must be removed

This launderette is a launderette like no other. Chandeliers on the ceilings and gold wallpaper on the walls, statues of the Virgin Mary inviting you to pray, cappuccino, cake and newspaper, plus help with washing problems, a sympathetic ear for worries and a famous actor who owns the shop.

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Dirk Martens

Marion Schmidt in her “Eisbox”

The woman and the ice cream

Selling ice cream in summer, writing crime thriller books in winter – that’s how Marion Schmid’s life is structured. Her perpetrators are freezing cold, so is her organic ice cream. Visiting an ice cream parlour that keeps the neighbourhood together.

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Checking out your neighborhood.

A visit to Dr. Michael Bernhardt. A dentist, as he should be.

35 years. A whole working life. That’s how long Dr. Michael Bernhardt has been here. He started out as a lone fighter, took out a loan, turned a 3-room apartment into a dental practice, built up an existence from nothing …

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Dr. Michael Bernhardt

Pizza Rosso. One stop on our culinary tour …

Kiez Kulinare

In the Charlottenbogen-Kiez you can eat around the world – from Asia to Latin America, to Europe, to Arabia. Restaurants nestle up against burger shops, squeeze in next to snacks. Once counted, there are currently exactly 20 possibilities to get something warm and tasty on your plate.

Welcome to a short tour of the Culinary district. 

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Your place under the silver maple

In the Buchkantine you can buy books and drink coffee. In between there are children, pensioners and business people. A visit to a peaceful but lively place.

They open at 10:00 sharp. At 10 o’clock sharp, the first guests arrive. Chairs are moved …

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Fridolin Trautmann in the Buchkantine.

Florian Domberger from the Domberger Brot-Werk

Sour tastes good

Without exaggeration: Here you can get the best bread you can buy within walking distance. A visit to the Domberger Brot-Werk.

This man loves his sourdough. Though perhaps love is too weak a word for it. His leaven is his religion. Welcome to 11 Essener Strasse in the quiet part of Moabit, just a 10-minute walk from Charlottenbogen …

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The truffle for 400 Euro, the cucumber for one Euro

In the Frischeparadie (“freshness paradise”) there is everything you need. Above all, however, many exquisite things. A visit to the neighborhood. 

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Kiez, church, neighborhood

Who lives and works, believes and engages everything in the neighborhood? Visiting the Church of the Redeemer.

Hard and short is the chime of bells that rings over the Spree. Just behind the bend in the river, just quickly over the bridge, at the corner, there is the Erlöserkirche. It looks a bit gloomy from outside. The clumsy double towers scratch at the clouds. More like a fortress than a church, that is how it looks. But inside, life is waiting.

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Tell us what you want.

For those who already want to have one foot in the door - this way.

The apartments at Charlottenbogen are as individual as you are. Tell us what is important to you and we will show you what we have for you.

To your new home